
Wednesday 1 June 2011


Is Lance Armstrong a Doper?

The so called evidence has still to see the light of day and the anti-doping case against the seven time Tour De France Winner and cancer surviver rest on the testimony of Swiss anti-doping laboratory director Martial Saugy.

The so called suspicious samples do not in fact have Armstrong's initials on them and the samples of Armstrong's that tested positive have still to be found.

If  the evidence is out there,where is it? Accusations of this kind against a man who is an inspiration to people all over the world, should be backed up before it does irrevocable damage to a sporting legend.

If Armstrong did in fact take performance enhancing drugs it will be a sad ending to a remarkable career,but until that evidence appears I will still show Armstrong the respect he deserves.

Did you Know? Greg LeMond won the Tour De France in 1990 without having a single stage.

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