
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Is Sepp Blatter past his sell by date

Is World football being run by an old School dinosaur who refuses to admit that all is not well in the house of FIFA.

Accusation of corruption are running wild in the international football community with bribes and back-handers being the flavour of the day.The only one who seems oblivious to this is FIFA supremo Sepp Blatter.Blatter refuses to accept that certain members of the FIFA delegation have offered and been offered bribes in return for votes regarding the handing out of World Cup Tournaments.

Asian soccer chief Mohamed Hamman  has been suspended by FIFA'S ethics committee over the cash for votes scandal which means that Blatter will stand unopposed once more in the race to determine who will be FIFA'S next boss.

In my opinion it is time for some new blood to stand up and give Blatter and some of the other dinosaurs a run for there money and bring some fresh ideas into the world of international football.

Did you Know? Shirt swapping was banned in the 1986 World Cup Because FIFA did not want the players to show their bare chests on the field.

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